Adoption Requirements
Longmeadow is open to the public on Fridays from 12 to 3 p.m. and Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Once you have confirmed that you meet the adoption requirements below and have found an animal you're interested in adopting, please fill out this form.
If you have questions, contact us by phone at 636.583.8759 or by email.
- Must be man-made with sides facing the north, east and west.
- Must be large enough to fit all the animals in the pasture or paddock comfortably and safely. Each animal should have room to stretch, circle, turn and exit.
- Must have a separate area to put an animal that is injured, becomes sick or needs special feed.
- Good-quality pasture and hay must be available for most species.
- Animals must be fed twice daily. Depending on the animal’s needs, grain may be required.
- Animals must be fed a quality feed that is made for their species.
- Clean water must be available in a safe container that should be checked twice daily.
- A heater must be added to water to prevent from freezing in the winter.
- The type of fencing will depend on the animal. Contact Longmeadow Rescue Ranch staff for information on specific animal needs.
- Can be woven wire, barbed wire, smooth wire, board, pipe or plastic fencing.
- Must be in good condition with no sagging or broken posts.
- Gates must be constructed in a safe manner.
- Electric fencing might be needed to keep animals contained.
Resistance-free training methods are to be used to socialize animals, to train for veterinarian and farrier visits, and train for riding or cart-pulling. Abusive equipment and training methods are not allowed. Professional training may be required.
Adequate daily exercise should be available. Stalled horses should be turned out for exercise, separate from their training program. Pasture horses are not always in shape for long weekend trail rides if you haven’t been riding them.
Herd size should be appropriate for the size of the pasture/paddock. Larger herds in small areas often result in more injuries.
- Adopters must keep Longmeadow Rescue Ranch informed of any address changes.
- A resident is required to live on the property where the animals are kept.
- Adopters cannot sell, give away or slaughter an adopted animal, or use an adopted animal in any research study.
- Adopters cannot breed any animal adopted from Longmeadow Rescue Ranch.
- Adopted animals cannot be used in a commercial venture (lessons, pony rides, dude strings, etc.).
- Adopters must be present when the animal is picked up from Longmeadow for transportation to its new home.
- Adopters must have recent experience levels appropriate for the training needs of the animal being considered for adoption. Adopter must be willing to work with a trainer should challenges arise.
- All vaccinations and other health requirements must be up-to-date if an animal is returned to Longmeadow, as it was when the animal was adopted.
Medical Care
- Adopters must maintain de-worming, vaccinations, dental care, health tests and hoof trimming.
- Equine adopters are required to have annual teeth floating performed by an equine veterinarian.
- A certified farrier must be used for hoof care, as required for each species of animal.
- Illness and injuries must be promptly addressed by a veterinarian. Pre-existing medical conditions (at the time of adoption) must be treated as recommended by a veterinarian.
- Equines must not be allowed to become overweight and founder – this is as dangerous to their health as starvation.
- Other owned animals may require updated veterinary care as needed.
Boarding Facilities
Boarding facilities can be approved by following and adhering to the above listed requirements. It is the responsibility of the adopter to make sure the required care is being provided to the adopted animal(s).
Riding Lessons and Training
Longmeadow Rescue Ranch encourages all adopters to take advantage of our wonderful additional training and lesson opportunities provided through CS Equestrian. Our training options allow you to spend additional time with your selected horse and our natural horsemanship trainer learning helpful tools and techniques. You may also choose to invest in additional training for your new horse before taking him or her home.