Upon her arrival, staff found she was completely blind…and nine months pregnant! Although she was underweight, Lucky carried her baby to term and delivered her “lucky” Charm that following January.
Charm grew up at the Ranch and was a joy to be around. She was a feisty little mare and did not hesitate to tell staff how she really felt. She had a fun personality and kept staff members on their toes. As she grew up with the other equine, we realized that she was the top mare in whatever pasture we put her in, even if it was a pasture of older horses. (Have you ever seen a 2-year-old pony boss a 20-year-old gelding around? We have!) And although Charm’s personality was that of a little troublemaker, she passed our groundwork classes and farrier trims with flying colors. She was great for her medications and treatments, and didn’t mind being led around and doted on by staff members. The day Charm left the Ranch in December 2022, she politely loaded onto her new trailer as if she knew exactly where she was going.
Now, Miss Charm gets to experience a new home outside of Longmeadow for the first time in her life. She was born at Longmeadow, grew up here, and is now starting her new chapter in her forever home. How “lucky” is she! We will miss you lots, Charm! Thank you for all of the teachable moments you provided us!
P.S. Because I know some of you are wondering…Charm’s mom Lucky was adopted in 2019 and is living her best life as a riding pony for kids!