As soon as the group arrived, we knew they had a long road of recovery ahead of them, and we began their rehabilitation process right away.
This 16-year-old Tennessee Walker was such a good girl during her vet examinations and routine care. Her demeanor was gentle and patient, so we definitely believed it when our vets told us that Dior had most likely been a broodmare in the past. After our trainer evaluated her, we realized this mare was a diamond in the rough. She was easy to handle, calm under saddle, and genuinely such a good horse. The perfect horse, some may say, for a first horse!
Hallie had been taking lessons with our trainer for some time, waiting for that perfect horse to show up. When she met Dior, it was love at first sight. After some additional training and more time spent together, Hallie knew Dior was the one for her. At the end of July, Hallie adopted her first horse ever. By the end of the next week, Dior was loaded onto the trailer and on her way to her forever home.
Now, after years of neglect, Dior (now Lana) gets to spend the rest of her life with her favorite person Hallie. She’ll be pampered, spoiled, and so loved. Although we don’t know the entire history of Dior, we do know the future of Lana.
And that’s what matters the most!