Journey & Chuck
Journey’s story is well-known here at Longmeadow and throughout the area. In October of 2020, there was a tractor-trailer wreck on I-44 in the middle of a cold, rainy night. Journey was on that trailer. After miraculously surviving, she came to the Ranch to be treated and rehabilitated. After a routine vet exam, we found out that another miracle was in the works…she was pregnant with a foal, a foal that somehow survived the wreck. Ten months later, Cruiser was born, and Journey showed us what an amazing mother she could be. She was patient and kind, but able to gently put Cruiser in his place if needed. And although she had every reason to not trust humans, she let staff care for her baby through it all. She was the perfect mom.
This past weekend, and almost exactly two years after the wreck, Journey left with her friend Chuck to the best forever home, where she’ll get to share those nurturing qualities we loved so much. She’ll be able to teach her “new” kids how to love their first horses, and how to properly care for them. She’ll show her family how wonderful owning an older equine can be, and she’ll be able to continue what she was best at – being a mom!
We are so happy for Journey and Chuck, and so grateful for our wonderful adopters who give these horses that second chance they deserve. And although we’ll miss them so much, we are so happy that the rest of their life stories end with a loving family and a place to call home.