McGinty & Jeffrey
They were best friends, spent lots of time together, and did NOT like being separated. After they became available for adoption, we knew the chances of Jeffrey and McGinty being adopted together would be slim…
Then came Deb!
Deb, a member of our groundwork team here at the ranch, was looking for a horse to adopt for herself. She saw McGinty, and it was an immediate match made in heaven. She knew she wanted to take him, but she also needed a buddy for him…
At the end of September, after spending some extra time here at the Ranch for training, McGinty loaded into Deb’s trailer to make his way home… to Jeffrey, whom Deb had adopted a month prior.
Now, Jeffrey and McGinty get to spend the rest of their lives together with Deb and her husband Guy. Those two boys don’t even realize how lucky they are and how fantastic their lives are about to be. Thank you, Deb and Guy, for giving these two such an amazing next chapter!